Thursday is my 60 day update and I'm a bit nervous. I mean I should have at least lost another inch on my waist, but I'm not losing the weight like I want anymore. Still a big improvement on where I started. I guess that's how I need to be looking at it. I feel way better than I did and a lot less stressed. That was the main reason I started this.
Gonna end the post short tonight as I left it so late and I am tired. Hope to go to sleep at a relatively decent hour tonight. Hope everyone is doing well!!!
20 Day Challenge_____________
Day 1 (8/18/13): Fat Burner
Day 2 (8/19/13): Energy
Day 3 (8/20/13): Red Hot Core (and volleyball!)
Day 4 (8/21/13): Energy
Day 5 (8/22/13): Energy + Red Hot Core (and burpees + treadmill)
Day 6 (8/23/13): Red Hot Core
Day 7 (8/24/13): Diamond Cutter + Red Hot Core
Day 6 (8/23/13): Red Hot Core
Day 7 (8/24/13): Diamond Cutter + Red Hot Core
Day 8 (8/25/13): Below the Belt + Red Hot Core
Day 9 (8/26/13): Mix Tape + Red Hot Core
Day 10 (8/27/13): Energy + Red Hot Core
Day 10 (8/27/13): Energy + Red Hot Core
Yay, halfway through!!! :))