Friday, August 9, 2013


Did energy today. Huge step forward for me. I've had a bad couple of days. Actually for the past couple of weeks I've felt myself deteriorating, and then around Wednesday I've just gone downhill. That night was horrible, fought like hell to stop from going into a full panic attack. But I've been feeling these weird symptoms and they are all on the left side so it's scary. Thing is I can't tell anymore whether it's just form the anxiety, stress stuff or it's something else and it's causing my anxiety or stress. The chicken or the egg sort of situation.

I stayed up all day yesterday to switch my schedule around, so that I can sleep at night and be up during the day. I felt horrible, achy, anxious all day and couldn't eat a lot. I couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep around 6pm. I woke up a little after 2am, used the bathroom and tried my best to go back to sleep. Didn't happen though. Tried three times. Finally around 7:45-8 I didn't even think I was going to be able to, but I fell asleep after trying again. I got woken up at 10, so that I could still be up during the day and be able to sleep tonight. At first I felt fine, but I still just have an uneasy, sick feeling in my chest and my arm feels a little weird when I stretch my arm fully and rotate it a little.

I decided to go ahead and do some yoga, even if I couldn't do it to the full extent. I did Energy and am glad I did. While I was doing it I felt better and for a bit after I felt better too, but as I sit here writing this, I still feel weird. I know what I should do and need to do, but what happens when you are terrified of doing it? For now I will continue doing yoga in hopes that it's just a mental thing and that I've just been sitting around too long. This was the whole reason I started doing DDPYoga in the first place. I feel like I failed a second chance or something and am afraid I won't get a third.

Oh and I had a post up Wednesday about this challenge I wanted to do for myself, but then a couple of hours later when I turned bad, I took it down. Hopefully I will be able to put it back up tomorrow and will be able to tackle it for the next 20 days.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're trying to turn your sleep schedule around. That'll make a big difference in your health, all by itself. Do you think you need to see a doc about whatever weirdness you're experiencing in your chest/arms? You're young so it's probably nothing but it might help put your mind at ease. Hang in there and keep fighting through this. If you don't quit things will get better.
