Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 3 of 20 (Fare thee well ole volley)

Amazing how days go fast huh? Already done with Day 3 of my 20 Day Challenge to do DDPYoga 20 days in a row as well as generally eat better and be more active and record it all here for your reading entertainment!

Today was the last day of my volleyball season. We actually did great for us. I mean we still lost, but we had a close one going on there and we actually played for a full hour. Anyway, it was a good workout. I normally wouldn't do DDPYoga on top of it, but since I said I would specifically do DDPYoga everyday, then that's what I did. I just did RHC though. I know it's kind of a cop-out to do the shortest one, but it IS a great core workout and I definitely feel it in my abs! So yes the shortest, but it's a good workout and I did a full hour of volleyball, so I consider today a success on that front.

Sleep wise: I stayed up through the night until 7 a.m. and then decided to sleep until noon, so I could actually play volleyball instead of the zombie that would have shown up in my place had I not slept. So far it has worked out, even though I was a bit tired. I'm hoping I can wind down and sleep in the next hour or so. Then I can possibly wake up at a decent hour tomorrow. Here's hoping!

Food wise: it was okay, but could have done better. I had a egg, cheese, and vegetarian bacon bagel for lunch when I woke up (so I guess it was my breakfast, but it was lunch time), so I did have protein (egg and bacon) and carbs (bagel) together, but in fairness I didn't make it and I certainly wasn't going to waste it. It was pretty good though. For dinner I ate Jimmy Johns, which is a sub chain. I had the vegetarian one and did have a bag of Thinny Chips and some sweet raspberry tea. Not the best thing to eat, but it's better than the other choices I had, so I'm happy with it. I've actually been trying not drink caffeine and I have succeeded until today. You can take me out of the South, but you can't take the South out of me and sometimes a southern girl just gotta have her sweet tea!

So today was good. I'm starting to feel like I need to get other aspects of my life going as well. Like... oh I don't know.... getting a job and moving on my own and getting a life? hehe. All in good time, but I really need to be more proactive about it. Don't want to waste all that time I spent getting All-College Honors and crap with two majors and minor that almost drove me completely insane! I do have to remain calm about it though. It's something that can easily stress me out nowadays and apparently I can't handle that anymore. I guess my mind is starting to clear though. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but I guess I am just generally doing better.

This challenge thing is turning out to be a great idea! Woot for goals!

Day 1 (8/19/13): Fat Burner
Day 2 (8/20/13): Energy
Day 3 (8/21/13): Red Hot Core


  1. You're doing so great! I'm so proud of you for doing both volleyball and DDPYoga. That is awesome. Keep up the good work!

  2. Also, I agree about the sweet tea thing. I'm an adopted Southern girl and sometimes you just need to have some sweet tea. Definitely with you on that one. ;)
