Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30 Day Update!

I'll go ahead and post the video first and you can watch it. Yes you CAN! And you should definitely watch it to see me do the Bernie sort of lol.


So The first 30 Days weren't great, but in the end I am better off than when I started, which is the best thing ever. I'm really trying to pull it together more so that when I'm doing my 60 Day update video and pictures, there will be such a difference, that people everywhere will drop what they are doing and do either yoga or the Bernie! Truly, I would be happy with both...

So make sure you keep it up, because even though I sucked this month, what little I did actually paid off. Imagine what the difference would be if I had rocked it like I'm going to ROCK it the next 30 days. Let's go people! I'm coming out of hibernation! Watch out!

Monday, July 29, 2013


My expectations when it came to this past Friday's freaky challenge were pretty much, "Not able to do it, but I'll attempt it anyway." Of course, with the recent funk I ended up not attempting at all. However, with my recent determination to just get up and go and not think about it, as well as other people's attempts, led me to attempting it today! Took me forever to edit because I ended up throwing in some other footage I had, because I haven't done an update video in forever! Then the publishing of the movie and uploading to YouTube itself takes literally hours! But it's all worth it to share and help remain accountable.

So without further ado:

I plan on taking my 30 day pics and updating everything even though I've completely failed these first 30 days and will have little to no improvement, but it's all about accountability. The next 30 will be awesome!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

I'm still here...

... Just not how I want to be. This week has been a little hectic, but pretty enjoyable. Did Fat Burner on Monday (yay!), then volleyball on Tuesday (could have used more energy, but felt very distracted for some reason), and Wednesday I walked around a zoo and was in a pool. I suppose I could have put in a workout some how, but I left early in the morning and passed out after dinner. Thursday and Friday hold no excuses. I just didn't do anything (that I can remember). Today I woke up late and the family went into the city to watch a baseball game. No exercise there, just veggie burgers for me, tons of starch, and beer. Not a huge beer drinker, but I did partake tonight.

I really am trying with the roadblock destruction, but it's more difficult than I thought. I suppose if I were to be honest I could try a whole lot harder. Maybe that's my problem, I just keep trying and not doing when I know I can. Do you know what? I was going to sit here and type about how tomorrow would be better, how tomorrow I would sit down and figure things out, how I'm tired now and it's after midnight, and how I would get back to the DDPYoga workouts tomorrow... There's my problem: I'm a tomorrower. When I started this journey I said TODAY! Somewhere after that first week, that changed. I don't want to do that anymore. Besides now that's it's after midnight, it's tomorrow anyway!

So after I post this, I'm getting up and doing a routine. Why? Because I can! But before I do that, I really want to think those that have reached out to me. I really do appreciate it. As I wrote to one of those people today I told them that I usually just fly under people's radars, which is actually very convenient in a lost of cases, but in this case it can make this journey harder. It's nice to know that you aren't alone. So thanks! Everyone keep on vlogging and blogging and keep on with yoga-ing too!

Okay DDP you are about to be somewhere you haven't been in awhile: my dvd player!

: )

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Road Blocks

I love photography. I always have. I'm also very strange. I always have been. My two favorite things to take pictures of (other than my cat Mia of course) are clouds and road construction. Clouds are a normal thing I suppose, but I know you don't normally get your kicks by taking pictures of road construction. Don't believe me?:

What does all of this have to do with my journey? Other than being a part of me and, by proxy, a part of this journey.... I'm starting to build what I once took pictures of:  road blocks.

  • I need to eat better: <insert road block 1>
  • I need to get up and do DDPYoga: <insert road block 2>
  • I need to keep in contact with those that support me and and know and believe in what I'm trying to do: <insert road block 3>

</insertion of road blocks>

I'm done. I just want to take pictures of them; I don't want to build them. From now on I want to take pictures of them and know what I accomplished. I want them to be a symbol for me and not a hindrance. I need to develop some serious willpower as I have finally discovered and admitted to myself that I lack in that department.

Time to get up and go.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 2 Update

I apologize for putting this up late. It seems against my wishes I am still in a bit of a funk. I know that if I do some DDPYoga I will feel much better. Anyway, here is the video that I put up on ye ole YouTube for the update. Everything relevant is pretty much in there. I gained 2 lbs back. I guess I'm lucky it wasn't more, but I know I am going in the completely wrong direction now and that will change. I CAN do this.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jack Knife and WTH

Technically, it's Saturday, but really it's still Friday for me and I'm not the best. I did the Freaky Friday Challenge for the YouTube Yoga Freaks on Team DDPYoga, which is featured below:

Other than that, I am in a funk, am slightly depressed, and will hopefully be better when I wake. Thank you to the one person on Team DDPYoga that randomly heard me and was trying to help. I really do appreciate it : )

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Finding Motivation.... or Not

I'm having a hard week. It started out great on Monday morning with my weigh-in (which showed a 7lb loss!) and then quickly went down hill from there. I procrastinated so hard about getting my DDPYoga on that day, but I did end up doing Fatburner. I did notice in my lower back that I was experiencing some soreness or slight pain/tightness. Not sure how to describe it, but given that I injured my lower back a couple months ago (not sure what happened just that I was in some serious pain and limited mobility for a couple of days) I wanted to be careful.

On Tuesday I knew I had volleyball that night, but I debated doing DDPYoga beforehand. I decided for my back's sake that I would just to volleyball and I certainly sweated enough during it to make me feel better. Wednesday I decided to take it easy and figured the next day I would do better.... Well it's the next day and no better. I still feel just tired and somewhat down. My lower back feels better, but still a little tight. I should be good to go for some less challenging DDPYoga, but here I sit...

I would say I still feel okay because I did so great last week and did a whole lot more the the schedule in the program has you doing. I would say that... if I had been eating better as well. That hasn't really happened either. I still think I eating a lot better that I was before I started this journey and started getting my DDPYoga on, but I could and should be doing do much better. I want to believe it's because of this little Funk I'm in, but maybe that would just be wishful thinking?

I will say one of the triggers for food is that I'm really unsure of what to eat most of the time and it can easily frustrate me into just eating what we have and trying my best to just eat a proper portion of it. I just wish I could dump our house and restock it with healthy organic everything and some gluten-free (which I'm having doubts about again) and some dairy-free options. Alas, this is not possible and I have to work on just buying for myself here and there. I did discover that we randomly have a box of gluten-free pancake and waffle mix so I will try to get up and make those (maybe with video?!) for a video.

Don't worry yall, I'm not down for the count. I know tomorrow I will be doing my Freaky Friday Challenge for YouTube Yoga Freaks at TeamDDPYoga.com and while that uploads (and because I have a crappy laptop that easily overheats so I cant use it while anything is uploading) I an do a super-awesome, double-header DDPYoga workout session! The same goes for Saturday and Sunday as well. Just because I made some poor decisions doesn't mean that I have to continue doing that.

Here's to the ups and downs! I will say that blogging about this helps because I can get thoughts out that I wasn't able to fully construct in my head with everything else running wild in there and it helps me remember things and have ideas that re-inspire me to continue this journey. I definitely recommend joing me in this blogging/vlogging journey!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 1 weigh-in update! (w/video)

So today marks my week two adventure! That means yesterday was the end of week one for me! I weighed myself this morning when I woke up before I did anything to be as accurate as possible. THe result: 228! That's a 7 pound loss! I was hoping for a five pound loss at the most, but would have taken three, so to lose seven pounds is awesome! And it's only the first week!

I'm not sure if I am going to week myself every week or just officially every 30 days, but to be honest I don't think I'll be able to keep from doing it, especially after this first weigh-in! I know it's easier for me to get the couple pounds off in the beginning, so I don't want to be too excited, because I know it'll be harder later, but I am really excited by the first week's result.

I have been doing the DDPYoga routines everyday so far. I'm not really following the schedule in the program, because I'm just to gung-ho about everything to stop at the moment. I'm not too worried about burning out, because I know I can get the results doing the schedule, so if I start taking days off I know that it's okay to do that. It's so awesome, by the way, to have a schedule like that with routines that aren't even an hour long and no stress!

Food-wise, I'm still not gluten or dairy-free. I'm almost dairy free, as I don't drink milk or add cheese to anything I eat, but I do eat things that have dairy ingredients. I'm not going out of my way to eat gluten things either, but my family isn't gluten free so it's harder for me to escape it. I am still eating my gluten-free cereal with rice milk though. I have actually been avoiding eating bread and everything because I know gluten is in there, but I'm going to have to start buying gluten free versions soon or at least gluten free flour so I can bake. When I do, I will make sure to update yall on how the baking went and give you the recipes if they worked out. I plan on going to the store on Saturday, so I'll do another grocery haul then to let you know what goodies I got! 

So that was week one! Here's to week two!

Don't forget to check out my video below to see my reaction to my weight loss from week one!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Jumping Dog Challenge!

Hello yall! Just checking in real quick to say hi and drop a video off. On TeamDDPYoga.com there are a ton of great groups that you can join. I've joined a couple, one of which is YouTube Yoga Freaks. It's for those that have active YouTube accounts and are documenting their journey with videos. Every week someone lays down a challenge for Freaky Friday Challenge and you upload a video of you attempting the move. I just did my first one!:

I know I didn't do it completely right as I came up too much, but I was definitely engaging something cause I sure was sweating after that! Mia is hilarious by the way. After this while I was waiting for my video to upload, I decided to do Energy (YES! My replacement Disc 1 came today! Thanks!) for my workout today and Mia was all into it. The funniest part was when she decided I was London Bridge during the Cat Arch and she kept going under me!

If you aren't member of TeamDDPYoga.com, make sure to join up. You do not have to have the system to join and there is a ton of great information available through there as well as support from other members, if you want to do a little more research before taking the plunge. I became a member before buying. It was actually one of the reasons I finally made the purchase!

Remember: When in doubt: DDPYoga!

P.S. Everyday is an adventure for me. I have a little more energy everyday and I think that has as much to do with my new food choices as much as the DDPYoga routines. I can do it. I am doing it.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 4

So it's the 4th in more ways than one! While it's the nation's birthday day, it's also my Day 4 with @DDPYoga! I've decided that holidays aren't an excuse to take it easy; they are an excuse to be more active and get your family involved! It started with the Wake Up routine, which I love. It really just starts to loosen up your limbs and get you going. I'm a little groggy to start, but by the last Diamond Cutter I am wide awake. It's great and definitely going to continue being a morning ritual.

The camo tent thingy! Makes nice shade!
      Next was setting up outside to enjoy a little outside air during the ole 4th. My dad set up a camo overhang over the firepit (which we smoked a little to help with the bugs). Next we set up the horse shoes and volleyball net. I came in to eat a little lunch and debated doing another routine. I knew I was going to play outside, but didn't know how long anyone else was going to play. I was afraid I wasn't going to be getting a good workout. When in doubt: DDPYoga!

      And that's what I did! Since I had Disc 3 in from the wake up (and I don't have Disc 1) I decided to try the Stand Up routine. Drumroll please: ................................. I did the whole thing! I almost was going to stop halfway through again, but I thought "Why? I can do the whole thing." So I did.
Hard to see from this view point,
 but the volleyball net!
      Went outside and played a good game of volleyball. It's a little strange playing with three people (the other two didn't want to play), but we managed. Then a game of horseshoes, which I suck at, but I got two points! Lastly another game of volleyball. I seriously could play that all day if I could. Well if we play on grass. If it's sand.... then half a day... with a lot of breaks!
     It's time to eat and hang out some more with the family. It's an awesome thing to have everyone together at home. We get in each other's hair on an hourly basis, but in the end it nice to know where everyone is at and laugh together.

I hope everyone is having or had a great 4th as well and remember:

When in doubt: DDPYoga!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Grocery Haul

Before I get into and show what I got at the store today, I just wanted to go into a little about how I feel about the nutrition aspect of DDPYoga. At first I was totally against it. That's right, I was like "It's not for me." I've always believed that I shouldn't do any "diets" that had me not eating a whole list of foods and/or only eating another whole list of foods. Yeah it might help me lose weight, but in the end I'd want to go back eating everything I denied myself and then promptly gain the weight back. I saved myself from that, but it also meant I never lost any weight at all.

This time seeing all the gluten-free, dairy-free stuff had me running for the hills again. It's a good thing I can't run very far! Last week after my Journey Day 1 (my DDPYoga day 1 is July 1st, since that's when I got the DVDs!) I started counting calories and eating set meals again since I had lost 30+ pounds doing that and exercising before. After the second day and my latest panic attack (which I blog about here) I knew it wasn't going to happen. That's when I really started to rethink the DDPYoga nutrition. I began to understand the benefits of and the sense that not eating carbs and protein together made. The gluten-free I'm not completely into yet, but it's mostly about the price. The dairy free I can actually do. I already refrain from drinking milk, so adding the rest and substituting with other things won't be a problem.

I am a vegetarian. I have been since the 7th grade. I'm 24 and will be 25 in September to put that in perspective. So, that's not going to change. One of the unfortunate things about the gluten is that I've looked at my breakfast patties that you eat instead of a sausage patty and there is wheat gluten in it. So I'm not going to be completely gluten-free, but I figure it's better to lower gluten intake a lot than not do anything to it.

So that is really where I am at right now. I know I really need to change what I eat not just how much and am excited about the organic choices I'm trying to make as well as the few gluten-free choices. I mentioned in my last video that I would be going to the store and checking out what gluten-free and organic stuff they had and this is what I got:

Organic Girl romaine lettuce and baby spinach ($3.99 each)
 and Nasoya tofu plus organic ($2.99 each).

$0.75 coupons for the tofu (doubled at my local grocery store) saved me  $2.50

Found the Rebel Green fruit and veggie spray ($4.99)!!! Was so excited after seeing this in one of DDP's videos, because I can't always get organic and this will help with that. I also got a Smart Water ($0.79), three Sparking Ice zero-calorie vitamin drinks ($0.88), and two bottles of wine ($5 each).

Should I have gotten the wine? No it's on the no list, but as I say: You gotta start some where and I'm starting somewhere. There was also a coupon for $1 off 2, so after doubling it saved me $2.

These are my main gluten-free purchases. Buttered popcorn flavored  rice cakes, which probably aren't dairy-free then  ($2.69) and two bags of Black River Valley Choco Chomp cereal ($2 each)

Really excited to try the cereal with rice milk in the morning!
Just to show you I am truly a work in progress: I got 5 lunchables : )  With a  $5 off 5 store promotion these  were $0.99 each and with two $1 coupons doubled I got 4 free and paid $0.99. Yes I still shouldn't have gotten them, but one is actually for my brother and I'll get to that gluten/dairy-free land one baby step at a time.

For these 19 items I paid $35.93 total. I saved $25.89, 14 of which were from coupons alone.

So did I get a couple of things I shouldn't have? Yes. Did I get some good stuff? Yes. Did I try and be conscious of the good habits I want to create? Absolutely. I've always wanted everything to come to me immediately, but I know with this, it's going to be one step at a time.

What else did I accomplish? I was able to get a better lay of the land of my local Pick N' Save. It's not a whole foods (the closest one is about an hour away so we can't go that often), but they do have some good items. I was very surprised to find the Rebel Green wash and I hadn't planned on spending money on extra stuff, but I knew I was getting that when I saw it. They don't have a huge organic veggie and fruit section, but they have more than they used to, so that's something. They have a whole gluten-free section and it's very depressing, because a lot of it actually looks great, but it's all so much more expensive. But that leads me to my new mission!: To start gluten-free, organic, and dairy alternative coupon hunting! While I'm looking for a job, that can be my occupation to save myself and my family money, while trying to eat more and more good stuff!!!

One step at a time!

Today was also my second day doing the Wake Up program and I love it! Since I'm waiting for my Disc 1 replacement, I put in Disc 2 and did about half of the Below the Belt routine. My arms are sore from Monday's Diamond Cutter half and yesterdays volleyball and I think my legs will be feeling the same by tomorrow. I love it though! I've always loved the sore feeling the day or so after a workout! It's means I've actually done something! And all with no treadmill or weights! I'm getting more and more excited everyday and it's only the beginning!

A Quick Update

Just a little update:


 Stay tuned for a food blog today and maybe a little something else!