Thursday, July 11, 2013

Finding Motivation.... or Not

I'm having a hard week. It started out great on Monday morning with my weigh-in (which showed a 7lb loss!) and then quickly went down hill from there. I procrastinated so hard about getting my DDPYoga on that day, but I did end up doing Fatburner. I did notice in my lower back that I was experiencing some soreness or slight pain/tightness. Not sure how to describe it, but given that I injured my lower back a couple months ago (not sure what happened just that I was in some serious pain and limited mobility for a couple of days) I wanted to be careful.

On Tuesday I knew I had volleyball that night, but I debated doing DDPYoga beforehand. I decided for my back's sake that I would just to volleyball and I certainly sweated enough during it to make me feel better. Wednesday I decided to take it easy and figured the next day I would do better.... Well it's the next day and no better. I still feel just tired and somewhat down. My lower back feels better, but still a little tight. I should be good to go for some less challenging DDPYoga, but here I sit...

I would say I still feel okay because I did so great last week and did a whole lot more the the schedule in the program has you doing. I would say that... if I had been eating better as well. That hasn't really happened either. I still think I eating a lot better that I was before I started this journey and started getting my DDPYoga on, but I could and should be doing do much better. I want to believe it's because of this little Funk I'm in, but maybe that would just be wishful thinking?

I will say one of the triggers for food is that I'm really unsure of what to eat most of the time and it can easily frustrate me into just eating what we have and trying my best to just eat a proper portion of it. I just wish I could dump our house and restock it with healthy organic everything and some gluten-free (which I'm having doubts about again) and some dairy-free options. Alas, this is not possible and I have to work on just buying for myself here and there. I did discover that we randomly have a box of gluten-free pancake and waffle mix so I will try to get up and make those (maybe with video?!) for a video.

Don't worry yall, I'm not down for the count. I know tomorrow I will be doing my Freaky Friday Challenge for YouTube Yoga Freaks at and while that uploads (and because I have a crappy laptop that easily overheats so I cant use it while anything is uploading) I an do a super-awesome, double-header DDPYoga workout session! The same goes for Saturday and Sunday as well. Just because I made some poor decisions doesn't mean that I have to continue doing that.

Here's to the ups and downs! I will say that blogging about this helps because I can get thoughts out that I wasn't able to fully construct in my head with everything else running wild in there and it helps me remember things and have ideas that re-inspire me to continue this journey. I definitely recommend joing me in this blogging/vlogging journey!

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