Friday, July 5, 2013

Jumping Dog Challenge!

Hello yall! Just checking in real quick to say hi and drop a video off. On there are a ton of great groups that you can join. I've joined a couple, one of which is YouTube Yoga Freaks. It's for those that have active YouTube accounts and are documenting their journey with videos. Every week someone lays down a challenge for Freaky Friday Challenge and you upload a video of you attempting the move. I just did my first one!:

I know I didn't do it completely right as I came up too much, but I was definitely engaging something cause I sure was sweating after that! Mia is hilarious by the way. After this while I was waiting for my video to upload, I decided to do Energy (YES! My replacement Disc 1 came today! Thanks!) for my workout today and Mia was all into it. The funniest part was when she decided I was London Bridge during the Cat Arch and she kept going under me!

If you aren't member of, make sure to join up. You do not have to have the system to join and there is a ton of great information available through there as well as support from other members, if you want to do a little more research before taking the plunge. I became a member before buying. It was actually one of the reasons I finally made the purchase!

Remember: When in doubt: DDPYoga!

P.S. Everyday is an adventure for me. I have a little more energy everyday and I think that has as much to do with my new food choices as much as the DDPYoga routines. I can do it. I am doing it.

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