So what am I up to these days? Well I've jumped on board with my friend Zulmarie and her great idea:
#10daysoffitness. Make sure to head over and check it out if you haven't already. What is it? It's basically a repeating challenge that never gets boring, because you control it! Remember my 20-day challenge? Well i loved it because it made me exercise even when i didn't want to, which I'm the better for, but it also felt like it drug on in the end. That's why 10 days is perfect. 10 days of fitness, that I choose, and then 1-2 days off. Then back at it. I get the challenge, but also the freedom and less stress aspects. It's great!
Actually I am going to be a guest blogger over there, so there is your added incentive! As if you don't get more than enough of me over here!
Click here to be directed to the article where I am introduced as a guest blogger! I will try not to be too repetitive with the two posts, but I won't be blogging there everyday or anything, so it should be okay. The main blogger, Zulmarie, is an awesome blogger by the way, make sure to read some of these past posts for some great motivation:
But today was my Day #1, for #10days, and I am so glad to be back doing a challenge again. I can always feel myself slipping when I take too long of a break and I am sure no one wants to see me back in another funk! My personal plan for the #10days is to do 30 minutes (at least 20 is recommended!) and incorporate DDPYoga as well as other traditional exercises. I still love doing DDPYoga, but sometimes I just want to walk on the treadmill and listen to music you know? So that's what I did today; 30 minutes on the treadmill and I kept it between 3.0-3.5 mph, except the last 3 minutes or so to cool down. Felt great!
I think this may be the key for me. I need the challenge for the motivation to keep going and the sense of satisfaction finishing it brings. That's what #10daysoffitness is for me! I think this is going to go places and I am so thrilled to be involved. So hope this wasn't too commercially for anyone, but I really wanted to give it a go and try to explain what it means for me.
Wow! What a fantastic blog. Explains all of #10daysoffitness core values. ;)