Today completes day five.....
This post was about to go in a completely different direction, but I just got some plans finalized, so it changes things. But before that:
Day 5:
It was actually an alright day. The smoothie was pretty good and today I could have went all days without snacks. I did actually, but more for a craving I did have a spoonful of peanut butter. It was pretty cool actually to know that you can actually go through a day with those smoothies. Okay now, since it's day five I needed to pick up a few more things for the remaining days, but I am completely confused about the shopping lists unless I am doing something completely wrong. I have so much leftover from the first five days shopping list. I wouldn't have bought as many greens had I known. Kind of annoyed about that since salad ain't cheap these days. Oh well, it's a learning experience I guess. All in all an alright day.
Now... A friend of mine I thought was coming for Thanksgiving, cause she is going to school a little closer to me than where she lives with her family and she now has transportation. I sort of figured she might be coming for the week or something so I planned on finishing my cleanse even if she came this weekend if we had the rest of the week. However, it seems she will be coming tomorrow, so I'm at a little fork in the road and not staying the whole week. I was kind of excited to complete this cleanse as is, especially since I was doing it all the way and not even modified. I just don't know what to do. I just would feel weird being like "Here's your food, excuse me while I drink me smoothie and by the way let's reminisce about old times in which eating together was a part of..."
My options:
1. Finish the cleanse anyway and be unhappy but healthier
2. Finish with a modified cleanse but keeping to the book with healthier options
3. Smoothie for breakfast and lunch (or healthy salad with the greens for lunch) and then eat whatever the mood calls for with my friend.
There is no option where I don't continue with the smoothies because 1. It is healthier to get those nutrients anyway, 2. I bought the damn stuff and I'm damn well gonna use it, and 3. I do want to finish doing this for 10 days in some form. Plus I can still keep dong smoothies and maybe do a couple days of week where I do smoothies all day and work on switching more completely to healthier meals. I feel like this cleanse has been me quitting food I like to eat cold turkey and maybe I am more of someone that needs to be weaned off? I really don't know. I'm just talking out of head here.
I really don't want to quit. It's weird timing. If she was staying longer then I'd totally finish, but she will probably stay only until Tuesday at the latest which would be my last day of the cleanse and I know me; I would be unhappy during it. I would feel accomplished about finishing and I know probably healthier, but I think I would regret not taking full advantage of our visit which are very few and far between (I haven't seen her in over a year).
So far I am leaning towards option 2 or 3.
I basically just threw up all over this post which probably sucks for whoever is reading it, but hey! it's my blog. : P
No photo. No reason for one.
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