Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trying the Diamond Dozen

I'm hoping the DVDs will be here Monday, but until then I'm still doing the Diamond Dozen. I wanted to get a video up showing some of it. The angles are a bit weird (had to cut a lot out, but the video was getting long anyway), but that is me and that's some of the poses I learned in the Diamond Dozen. You'll have to bear with me as this whole thing is a learning process, the blogging/vlogging as well as the yoga. Here's the video:

I think I've hit a little road block and it's still the beginning. I took it easy the day after my latest panic attack and I've let go on the food thing, but now I'm a little afraid to feel hungry so I'm reaching for too many carbs and junk and overeating the past day or so. It can be hard changing, but I'm hoping that if I can just work on creating the good habits, they will become routine and I will start seeing the results I want.

As I mention in the video, I want to talk a little about food and my issue/concerns and thoughts about what I've read on the site vs. my current intake. So stay tuned for that!

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