Sunday, February 9, 2014


Ready to get this weight loss thing going. I realize I have goals and this sitting on my butt everyday doing pretty much nothing is not going to get my goals reached or my dreams realized. Time for things to change!

  • I was accepted into Manchester Business School and I've already accepted my spot in the program. I start in September after my 26th birthday. Never mind fat... I WILL NOT start another school year OBESE. I refuse. 

  • I will get another job and save. save. save. I don't need to be stressing about money. Also, will do my best to find more money for school through scholarships and loans.

  • I will eat a salad everyday if I have to, but I WILL control my eating.

  • I will remain active, whether it's through my new love: snowboarding, or through DDPYOGA, or Wii fit, or dancing embarrassingly in my room for an hour. I will lose to win.

  • I will go for it even if no one believes me.

SO! That's a lot of "I wills" to stand by, but I'm ready to go for this! I am ready to stop sitting by and watching others do what I want to do. I'm ready to do it myself and surpass any expectations set for me. I am ready. Are you?


  1. You GO, girl! Thanks for motivating me yesterday to start exercising. You are awesome. Let's keep emailing and Skyping to have a weight loss support thing going. We can do this!

  2. I like this post! You should come back and read it every couple/few days for more motivation! Since my knee is fucked right now I can't join in on the exercising, but I'm over here rooting for you. xo
