Sunday, February 9, 2014


Ready to get this weight loss thing going. I realize I have goals and this sitting on my butt everyday doing pretty much nothing is not going to get my goals reached or my dreams realized. Time for things to change!

  • I was accepted into Manchester Business School and I've already accepted my spot in the program. I start in September after my 26th birthday. Never mind fat... I WILL NOT start another school year OBESE. I refuse. 

  • I will get another job and save. save. save. I don't need to be stressing about money. Also, will do my best to find more money for school through scholarships and loans.

  • I will eat a salad everyday if I have to, but I WILL control my eating.

  • I will remain active, whether it's through my new love: snowboarding, or through DDPYOGA, or Wii fit, or dancing embarrassingly in my room for an hour. I will lose to win.

  • I will go for it even if no one believes me.

SO! That's a lot of "I wills" to stand by, but I'm ready to go for this! I am ready to stop sitting by and watching others do what I want to do. I'm ready to do it myself and surpass any expectations set for me. I am ready. Are you?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fat Girl Snowboarding!

Please enjoy me falling on my butt while attempting to snowboard for the first time. Video includes: falls, laughter, crashing, and small victories in life. Description below video:

So I've always wanted to snowboard. I don't know why I just always thought it looked really fun and basically like skateboarding on snow. Of course, I don't skate board, but that is something I always wanted to do. My only experience there was a couple failed attempts at an ollie with a cheap walmart board many years ago.

A couple weeks ago I was in the local thrift store and saw a couple of snowboards. Many of them were cheaper children's ones, but there were two actual boards. I wanted to get it, but held back for some reason. After telling my dad about it (who likes playing in the snow as much as I do) he said that we need to go up there and get one.

Now it doesn't have the bindings and I don't have snowboard boots, so it's not the safest set up, but I couldn't help it. I don't have money for that stuff, but I will keep a look out for a good deal. Anyway, my dad used some straps to attach me to the board and at first he pulled me around on the snowmobile. It was really hard and let me tell you I was sore the next day!

What I really wanted to do though was go down the hill around the back of the house where we usually sled. We haven't actually went sledding this year, since we don't have anymore sledding equipment. They finally gave out on us last year. Back to the snowboarding: There was a lot of snow at first, but I managed to break through and start going down the hill. I mostly fell, but it was fun!

The next day I crashed into a tree... Yeah that hurt and I was limping for days. To be honest, I don't think my big toe has quite fully healed. Regardless the next weekend I was getting strapped back into the snow board and going down the hill. On the next to last run of the day, my dad had just driven me back up the hill on the atv and I was about to make the journey around the house when I said, "I don't think I'm ever going down this hill all the way." Wouldn't you know it? That was the run I made it down the hill! I couldn't help but throw my hands up in victory.

It's been too cold to go back out and I can't really go out during the week since I need my dad here to strap me in, but I am eagerly waiting for another chance to go down the hill again. Would like to build up my balance on the board.

I did this because I didn't have any excuse not to anymore. I've always been the one to sit and watch people do things on TV that looked like fun and made me want to do it, but I never did. Well I did it now. I mean I may have done it sloppy and whatnot, but I did it.

What is something you've always wanted to do but haven't as of YET?!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Still here

I'm here and fatter than ever. Well not fatter than ever, but just as fat as I've always been. What little I lost, I've since gained and a few more. Need to get my shit together. And quick. Have a few things to update on other than weight and will do that in a fuller post soon. Just not right this second. : )